Our story

Asti, the founder of Hauora Coaching know’s that it is our ability to weave wellness and wairua (energy) within workplaces that gives an edge to the way we facilitate spaces. 

Connecting to the whenua, whakapapa, horses and hauora have always been huge aspects of Asti’s life since the loss of her father in 1995. This innate connection to wairua has made sharing space with others a process of learning to articulate communication and wellness ways of working through her own challenges and triumphs.

Enhanced need for wellness in the workplace was induced during lockdowns where mental health crashed and there became a crisis of burnt-out individuals. With receptivity to change as a high need, we acknowledge how hard it can be to let go of the known and begin trusting new initiatives. However, change for us at Hauora Coaching is the essence of everything we do. Prioritizing personal wellness is our pillar of success and our team all intentionally design their day based on paving a paradigm of being well. 

Asti’s journey through to entrepreneurship has been one of self-discovery and a continuous opening to opportunities that arise. “I believe that people make a place and know learning is limitless in the 21st century.” - Asti states. 

A diverse upbringing on the West Coast of the South Island, a place of continuous adventure and growth led Asti to discovered how the support of the community can positively influence perceptions. Asti prides herself on the fundamental value of Wairuatanga (spirit-led). From her experience in business and being over the past 7 years she knows that this form of connection is always supporting, soothing and seeking spaciousness to expand.

(Astiana Trouland of Hauora Coaching)

It is with such great pleasure that we weave Kaitiakitanga of the land in which she grew up on, to ensure the same opportunities are available for the next generation to co-create experiences that light them up with passion. Exploration of self is hugely affected by our capacity as individuals to sit with the discomfort, dis-ease, stresses, fears and transmute them into a sense of self-exploration & expression. A valuable tool that was taught to Asti through the training of horses in the outback of Australia.

Staying connected via hinengaro (mental), wairua (spirit) and tinana (body) has influenced our leadership capacity and continues to revolutionize the world of auahatanga (Innovation & collaborative enterprise).

Asti began this business in 2015 sharing tools to transform self-criticism into confidence via personal training. 4 years in realized that her dreams were far greater. Drawing upon her studies from the holistic Wellness Centre in Melbourne she began to share the effects of stress in society, the underlying current of culture, the benefits of cold therapy and alternative practices to enhance the sense of self. These all aid in accepting that Workplaces were the environment where the majority need support. We now direct workplaces into prioritising their people and paving generations of well workers.

It was these practices when relearning to walk after knee surgery that helped Asti shift from depressed and desperate to designing her own life, work and ways in which she identified herself in the world. It was in 2019 that Asti joined her first kaupapa māori wānanga and began unraveling her identity as rangitahi māori. 

(Asti in her element)

In 2020 a new business name ‘Hauora Coaching’ was birthed after 12 months of learning, visiting marae and speaking with wider whanau. Asti ventured North for the first time to visit her marae and during that same year our first round of wellness workshops were delivered to support the West Coast business communities.

We work to connect people to nature conservation in their communities is a long-term commitment. In 2023 We hope to deliver nationwide to support communities, companies and organisations to explore their own limitless potential, support their people and develop sustainable ways of being.

We meet you where you are at, where your place of work is and help you pave a culture of care for better communication. Choose to lead the way forward with a paradigm of wellness within your place of work by reaching out for a no-obligation korero.